Say Yes To You!

Let’s Be Honest…⁠

You want more…⁠
You desire more…⁠
You are praying for more…⁠

But you have been refusing to do what’s necessary to attract that which you desire. ⁠

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Adrienne Sifontes
Let The New Year's Resolutions Begin Today

So what’s on your “I wish” list for 2020….⁠
- More Money⁠
- Better Home⁠
- Better Car⁠
- More Travel⁠
- Losing Weight ⁠

These are the most common resolutions that people have but the reality is, most will never accomplish them because they only “think about it” but very few actually take action

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Adrienne Sifontes
7 Must Haves When Traveling With Toddlers

It’s that time of year where travel is at an all time high, and so is the stress when trying to figure out how to deal with the long lines, big crowds and full day’s of travel with toddlers.⁠ As a mom and a travel lover, I've learned that there are certain items that I can't leave home without, so here are 7 Must Haves when traveling with Toddlers.

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Adrienne Sifontes
4 ways to save money around the house⁠

Baby it’s cold outside, and this is the time of year where the heater is running while the bills are climbing. If you’re wanting to find ways to cut back cost and save a few bucks from household expenses, here are a few ways that you can cut back on the high bills. ⁠

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Adrienne Sifontes
STOP procrastinating and move closer to your dreams!!

There have been so many lives destroyed and dreams that have been delayed and outright denied to so many people because they are sitting up procrastinating. And the excuse they make is, I just want to make sure I do it right, or I just want to make sure all my ducks are in order, or I want to do a little more research before I get going.

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4 Tips To Help You Shift Your Mindset And Start Building Wealth

Thoughts are things, and what you focus on expands. If you grew up with money messages like, money is bad, money is the root of all evil, rich people are bad you probably subconsciously repel money! If you grew up with those messages you have also probably struggled with holding on to money and building wealth for your entire life!

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I Decided To Go Keto!!

So I decided to go Keto two weeks ago!! What does that even mean right? Well the ketones diet is a low carb, moderate protein and high fat diet that puts the body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. Basically when you’re in ketosis, the body burns uses fat as an energy source rather than glucose and your body turns into a mean lean fat burning machine.

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What Happens When You Are Too Poor To Retire And Too Young To Die?

Before I started my home based business I remember thinking, how am I going to provide for a future family when I am living check to check as a single woman! I struggled with the fact that I would probably have to work well into my silver years and would probably still not be able to retire comfortably, if at all! These were all thoughts that used to keep me up at night.


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You see most people cannot see past there current reality. They only believe it what they can see taste touch and hear, there is no MORE for them stuck in a reality where waking up to an alarm living check to check is there norm. Network marketing provides a gateway of inspiration with the ability to share a world that isn’t limited and has the ability to open the minds of those who don’t believe in what they cannot see a world where time and financial freedom flourish where people live on love and not fear. You have been awakened!


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