Why I chose to go Natural 12 years ago!
It’s been a while since I shared my journey on why I decided to go natural so Today I wanted to highlight some of the reasons why and share the downside of relaxed hair and why it’s damaging to the overall health of our hair and our bodies.
Some of these may sound familiar...others may surprise you:
1. Frizziness→ Many relaxers are known to dry out your hair. When you couple that with frequent use of heat from your blow dryer or flat iron that’s a recipe for frizzy hair.
2. Split ends → The chemicals in relaxers are notorious for causing split ends, which often leads to uneven hair and breakage.
3. Thinning - Relaxers can also cause your hair to thin over time. We already know the point of relaxers is to make your naturally thick hair straighter and thinner. Yet, your temples and hairlines are incredibly sensitive and any damage done to your hair will be seen here first: your edges!
4. Scalp Burns and Infections → The chemicals in relaxers can seriously impact your scalp. We all know the temporary pain of a burning scalp. However, this can have a more permanent effect on your scalp in the long run.
5. Unhealthy → The process leaves the hair weak and brittle.
💡Another bonus tip I want to highlight is this, studies show that Relaxers can increase the chances of uterine fibroids in black women. I personally suffered from them and it nearly cost me my ability to have children.
Do your own research, but I feel it’s important to share.
👇🏾What are your thoughts about relaxers? Open and thoughtful conversations are welcomed.