2 Money Trends for 2020 That You Don’t Want To Overlook⁠

📈1: The Rise of the Entrepreneur & Those Adding Extra Income Streams to their Household⁠

The world is quickly shifting and if you haven’t noticed, one source of income is no longer acceptable, but dangerous. If you’re living your life banking on only one income stream, then it’s time to pay attention.⁠

The middle class is slowly fading away and the world of the have’s and have not’s is becoming more blatant…⁠
Get another income stream or you’ll be left behind…..⁠

🛍2: Ecommerce⁠

Shopping online and the E-Com world is scheduled to do $3.46 Trillion in Sales this year. I’m so grateful I’ve gotten in on this market when I did. ⁠

If you want to step up your Income Game in 2020, my best advice is to leverage an already existing Ecom platform where you don’t have to start from scratch, and you will position yourself to be on the winning side of an industry that isn’t going anywhere, any time soon!⁠

Adrienne Sifontes