7 Must Haves When Traveling With Toddlers

✈️✈️It’s that time of year where travel is at an all time high, and so is the stress when trying to figure out how to deal with the long lines, big crowds and full day’s of travel with toddlers.⁠

As a mom and a travel lover, I've learned that there are certain items that I can't leave home without, so here are 7 Must Haves when traveling with Toddlers:⁠

1. A Kindle or other tablet, to keep parents and kids entertained ⁠

2. Healthy snacks for when someone gets hungry⁠

3. Florify digestive health probiotics, to support a healthy gut⁠

4. A good book - for when I can get a few minutes of me-time⁠

5. A water bottle to keep the family hydrated and energized⁠

6. A travel pack of wet wipes and my favorite toxic free disinfectant wipes– because, kids⁠

7. Earbuds, for those long flights⁠

What items are on your must-have list?⁠

Adrienne Sifontes