5 Ways to Corona-proof your life and your money
It’s all over the internet.. let’s talk about it!
Here’s 5 Ways to Corona Proof Your Life & Your Money
#1: Wash Your Hands
Seriously… I’m amazed at how this is a real conversation, but obviously, someone needs to know…. Wash your hands thoroughly throughout the day!
#2: Create a Work From Home Side Hustle NOW… TODAY… IMMEDIATELY
So remember that “side hustle” you said you were going to start at the beginning of the New Year that you’ve been procrastinating on…. Well, now you see why you need to have that in place.
Stop waiting… DO - IT - NOW…..
Don’t put it off another day!!
It will be your life raft to protect you BEFORE the Titanic sinks… don’t wait until you’re under water before you attempt to “get started”!
Your Income / Bank Account will thank you.
P.S. Choose a Work From Home Biz that you can do online and is “recession-proof”.... That’s how I’m building wealth despite the economy!
#3: Begin ordering your products from companies that will deliver to your door (I highly recommend Eco-friendly products)
I’m biased, but this will save you from the empty shelves, the chaotic fights in stores for the “last bit of (enter item here)”....
Low to No Inventory is not your friend, but mailing products to your door will be bae during this time!
#4: Keep an extra stash of everything to protect yourself from the panic
Keep extra food, and goods that can be stored “just in case”. Because of all the panic from the media, it’s causing mass hysteria.
Not to mention, the lack of exporting goods, companies closing their doors, tons of health warnings etc, food and goods may be low for a while.
Stock up for enough to maintain your family for a good 3-4 weeks, and once again, get on subscription services if you can to have things like toiletries mailed to your door.
#5: Don’t panic…. This will pass over like everything else has in the past!
I know this all sounds bad, but it will pass over.
Wake, Pray and continue to Slay…. Those who know how to keep a level head in the midst of chaos are those that will come out on top!
What other pointers would you share?? Comment below… I’d love to hear your insight!