Clarity Creates Cashflow...
Happy Monday Peeps, it’s week 3 of this fabulous new decade, and it’s my goal to keep the momentum going for you by sharing tips, insight and resources that will keep you on track to do all that you said you would.
As you know, one of my key missions for 2020 is our #nobrokefriends campaign. This week I will be sharing with you the 3 key sources to create cash flow this year.
Today I want to share with you the 1st of these 3 power sources….
And that 1st Source is the Power of Clarity!
Having Clarity is so critical to your success and your peace of mind.
If you find that you wake up daily wondering “what should I be doing today?”, that’s a clear indication that you’re suffering from a lack of clarity.
Clarity comes to give us a Vision of what we’re aiming for.
This vision is designed to inspire you, and the inspiration is designed to lead you to take action.
You can’t hit a target that you can’t see!
So if you want to get clear, here are a few tips:
1. Get Quiet: it’s so important to turn the noise off and get quiet to hear what’s happening internally. Answers come from within. Do what you gotta do to have some down time to hear the answers that are already in you!
2. Write: Get a journal and just write out what comes to mind. You will find that through writing, all the answers that you need will be unveiled.
3. Seek Counsel: Talk to those you trust and share where you are. Talking things out is a huge help with getting clear.
4. Identify areas of Resistance: When you find yourself dwelling on certain thoughts or feeling specific emotions towards certain scenarios. Write them down and call them out. This is how you identify the areas of resistance that’s potentially holding you back.
As you get clear, you’ll experience momentum and growth in ways that will advance every area of your life!
Are you ready for a breakthrough?
Type “I’m Clear” below, if you’re ready to proclaim clarity over your life!!
BTW, I’m pleased to announce our #nobrokefriends event happening this week!! Learn more here: and I hope to see you there!