It's Time To Let Go

It’s time to Let Go…

As we are 2 days before a New Decade, it’s time for one important commitment BEFORE you begin to fill your list with New Years Resolutions….

That one thing is to LET GO!

Let Go of what was…
Let Go of what you thought would be…
Let Go of what didn’t work….
Let Go of the Pain…
Let Go of the Past…
Let Go of who hurt you…

And instead, MAKE ROOM….

Make Room for New Opportunities…
Make Room for New Beneficial Relationships…
Make Room for Better Experiences…
Make Room for New Encounters….
Make Room for New Memories….

You can not Add more without Subtracting what’s not working in your life!

So as we countdown to the beginning of a New Decade… it’s time to Release yourself from the Past and Make Room for you to Embrace what awaits you in the Present because there is a FRESH START AHEAD!!

Share one thing you’re going to release yourself from below, as we enter into this New Decade!

Adrienne Sifontes