7 Ways I Use Leverage to Build Wealth

✨If you know anything about me, you’ll know that talking about building wealth and living a life of financial freedom is a big deal for my husband and I.

With his background in Real Estate and development on Wall Street for many years, and our personal backgrounds as entrepreneurs, I’ve discovered that building wealth is all about the art of leverage more than anything.

🤯For most people, being on the side of not knowing can be intimidating.

Conversations around budgeting, money management, investments and wealth often feel like a foreign language and the thought of taking the first step can be daunting.

But what I’ve learned over the years is that it’s not about knowing it all, it’s about understanding the me art of leverage. 

Leverage is the ability to take advantage of what others have already mastered and there are many ways that you can Leverage things to your benefit. 

💡I’ll share with you 7 ways I’ve learned to leverage, to build wealth.

#1: Leverage Pre-Existing Business Model(s)

Being an entrepreneur is cute, but running a business is no joke!! I learned early on that the more I can leverage something that has already been tested, established and it operates with integrity, the better off I’ll be. 

So I’ve learned how to leverage Pre-existing businesses to avoid all the foundational grunt work that goes with building a company! 

#2: Leverage Needs based products 

When it comes to building a business, it’s all about supply and demand. If you want to win, focus on needs based products.

Products that people must have in order to survive.

#3: Leverage what I use to pay me an ROI

When you think about where you spend your money daily, I’m sure several brands come to mind.

From cell phone usage to cable to daily toiletries, you’ll spend thousands of dollars in your lifetime on those necessities.

But what if you could get a return on your investment.

Here’s how.... if you use apple products for your phone and laptop, why not buy apple stock and get paid a dividend from owning shares in the company? 

If you use Verizon as a provider, why not own shares of stock..??

You get it??

Get an ROI on your money spent and you’ll be building wealth from the things you spend money on as opposed to just blowing the money and it’s gone forever!

#4: Leverage Market conditions 

Did you know money is made whether the economy is thriving or in a recession....

This takes time to explain... but it happens daily!

#5: Leverage Other Peoples Gifts, Skills + Talents

FACTS: you don’t have to know it all.... you need to build a network of others who know it all!! 

#6: Leverage Relationships 

Connections Connections Connections!!

Your network equals your Net Worth!! 

#7: Leverage My Knowledge to help others win 

Investing in others is critical!! When you sow into others it’s reciprocated and you’ll find that others will come and sow back into you!! 

This is already a long post (that’s on my blog as well) but this my friends is how I use leverage to build wealth, acquire assets and create financial freedom!!

I hope this inspires you to know that having me as part of your network means you’re officially included in our #nobrokefriends campaign!! 

Share a way that you’ve discovered how to use leverage to your advantage below 👇🏽

Adrienne Sifontes