Now Is the Time

Did you know that 

  • 60% of people who start small businesses are between the ages of 40 and 60.

  • 33% of Entrepreneurs only have a High School Diploma

  • There are 582 Million Entrepreneurs in the World...


So what does that tell you? 

This proves that….

  • It’s never too late to get started

  • You don’t have to have tons of degrees to be an Entrepreneur

  • And that Entrepreneurship is a Way of life…

If you’ve been holding yourself back from getting that business started, NOW is the time….

I personally mentor and coach others on how to start their own businesses from home for minimal investment with the potential for amazing growth. 

I’ve seen lives shift, incomes dramatically improve and so many men and women finally get the freedom they desire. 

Comment below if you’re already an Entrepreneur or desire to become one!

Adrienne Sifontes